Melamine tableware with ceramic tableware which is good?
01 Dec 2017
It is a kind of advanced chemical raw materials processing products. Scientific name is melamine resin, English MELAMI a NEWARE. Its raw material for the pulp by adding a variety of chemical raw materials and resin developed from the powder material preheated) after high temperature mold thermoplastic forming, and then after several processing, the flower paper and gold powder attached to the formation of the embryo, after high temperature Mold plus a grinding process and made. After the production of the product in addition to the general ceramic magnetic appearance, but also with the impact resistance is not easy to break the characteristics of acid and alkali, made of utensils, the minimum heat temperature of 120 degrees Celsius, and do not fear will produce harmful to the human body Toxins, whether it is for personal use or gifts of the use of plastic products can not be compared to the general product, but also because of its not easily broken characteristics, by the majority of domestic and foreign food industry and the family used.
For the quality of the material used in the melamine tableware, with the naked eye is not good to judge, but good material with a good process out of the surface of the melamine tableware exquisite luster, and vice versa is rough. In addition, the quality is good and the color of the tableware is not much relationship.
High temperature is not equal to the microwave can be used to heat
Melamine tableware are generally marked with the product can withstand the temperature range, more common for the -20 ℃ ~ 120 ℃. Since the melamine high temperature, whether it can be placed in a microwave oven to heat food?
According to reports, a clear description can be placed in the microwave can be heated, do not explain the best not to do so, on the one hand the product will be fast aging, on the other hand some due to high temperature variants or cracks, resulting in the product can not be used. Some manufacturers to prevent the use of the wrong consumer, in the product description is also particularly clear whether it can be used for microwave ovens. Therefore, it is best to read the product instructions carefully before using Melamine.
Whether it is durable to see the use of the environment
The life of the melamine tableware is related to the environment in which it is used. If it is disinfected with a disinfecting cabinet every day, it will need to be renewed once every three months because the storage temperature is too long and will destroy its structure and shorten its Service life.
Lose the luster
Compared with the ceramic tableware, the United States has a major drawback, that is, after a period of time, the surface of the tableware will be due to small scratches and not as bright as before, this time, you can use disinfectant soak to restore, in this regard, some products Instructions for use are also express. But according to the manufacturers, only the surface was very delicate effect was more obvious, the original surface is more rough effect is not ideal. This is also a reflection of product quality aspects of the pros and cons.
Ceramic tableware modeling diverse, delicate and smooth, bright colors and easy to clean, is the vast majority of families to buy tableware of choice. However, the ceramic glaze on the surface of the ceramic may become a healthy killer. Color glaze in the lead, mercury, radium, cadmium and so are harmful elements of the body. Radioactive elements radium kill white blood cells. Cadmium, lead and mercury are heavy metals, cadmium and lead can cause liver or other visceral poisoning, mercury can cause liver and kidney sclerosis. The use of substandard ceramic products, these harmful substances will be dissolved, with food into the body, over time, can cause chronic poisoning. At the same time, the production of ceramic clay also note that the poor clay containing micro-organisms and more harmful substances, even if not on the glaze will damage human health. So the product specifications and quality is particularly important, the standard glaze ceramic on the human body is basically no harm, and looks clean and clean ceramic tableware may be buried for health risks.
In the purchase and use of ceramic tableware, pay attention to the following points:
1) to buy ceramic tableware must choose a formal market, must not be cheap to buy no formal manufacturers of inferior products. State regulations, the ceramic tableware placed in 4% acetic acid soak, lead dissolution of not more than 7 mg / l, cadmium dissolution of not more than 0.5 mg / l. The current formal manufacturers of products can meet the basic requirements of this;
2) purchase should pay attention to look at the fineness of tableware, hand touch tableware surface, see the inner wall is smooth;
3) smell the smell with the nose;
4) Do not buy ceramic dishes with too bright colors. In order to make the color, manufacturers will add some heavy metal additives in the glaze, therefore, the more bright color of the tableware, heavy metals, the more easily exceeded;
5) should buy raw materials, process control more stringent glaze color, underglaze color tableware;
6) utensils before boiling with boiling water for 5 minutes, or soaked with vinegar for 2-3 minutes to dissolve the toxic substances in the tableware.
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